Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Punishment of Probation- A Proposed Solution to the...

Since 1993 the population within prison is increasing leading to majority of prison overcrowding this meaning there is now a higher percentage of people in prison here in England than any other country in Western Europe (Howard League 2006). This is leading to re-offending as offenders are not able to receive individual rehabilitation because there are too many offenders to rehabilitate. As this becomes more of a problem in today’s society the government are coming up with new punishments which will help to reduce the overcrowding within the prisons. One of these new punishments is probation, this is a sentence which is been imposed by court and given to the offender either after the offender has served their sentence in prison or not at†¦show more content†¦Offenders who committed more serious crimes such as murder, rape, burglary or other serious offences were sentenced to the death penalty. In the 18th century it was characterised as the era of the ‘bloody co de’ even though there was a growing opposition to the death penalty for all those of the most serious crimes (Howard League 2009). However in 1850 it saw the change in which prisons were now being used to imprison individuals for serious crimes and not for summary offences and petty felonies which it was used for in the previous years (Newburn 2007). The first prison to be built and completed was at Millbank in London in 1816 which held over 860 prisoners who were kept in separate cells however association with other prisoners were allowed during the day. Then later in 1842 saw the development of the Pentonville prison which was designed by Bentham 1791 which is still being used today. In 1895 once the newly designed prisons were built it saw the published Gladstone report on which it stated ‘we start from the principle that prison treatment should have as its primary and concurrent objects deterrence and reformation’. This report was then led into the 1898 prison act which saw the unifying of the ‘local and convict prison systems, introduced remission of sentence and restricted the use of corporal punishment. An emphasis on rehabilitation was a consistent part of prisons policy alongside other objectives’ (Newburn 2007). ToShow MoreRelatedJuvenile Crime Issues in Today’s Criminal Justice System18893 Words   |  76 Pagescrime (cybercrime) Terrorism and narcoterrorism Occupational and whitecollar crime  ©  © A right to privacy A right to be assumed innocent A right against self-incrimination A right to equal protection of the laws A right against cruel and unusual punishment  ©  ©  ©  ©  © Q 538 How does our system of justice work toward balance? ISBN: 0-558-8661 1-5 Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st Century, Eleventh Edition, by Frank Schmalleger. Published by Prentice Hall. Copyright  © 2011

Friday, December 20, 2019

Compare and Contrast Themes of Death in Emily Dickinson’s...

Emily Dickinson, as a poetic writer, composed most of her works with the theme of death, the entirety of which can be categorised into three different periods of writings; the earliest mainly contained the themes of death and immortality, personifying death and elegiac poems and lacked the intensity and urgency of her later poems or their fascination with the physical aspects of death (VAN DAESDONK 2007). Because of Dickinson’s immense fascination with this subject it is interesting to compare her pieces against each other to see how her view of death changed over the years of her writing. ‘The Only Ghost I ever saw’, written in 1857-62, is an example of the earlier period of Dickinson’s writing. There are many different†¦show more content†¦In contrast to the dreamy tone of the earlier poem, ‘How many times these low feet staggered’ has a distinctly more realistic and macabre tone to it. The mention of ‘flies’ gives us the image of decomposing meat as though the corpse were rotting which helps establish the more realistic side of what physically happens when a person dies, i.e their bodies rot. However the flies also clarify how monotonous the dead woman’s life and the tone of the poem is, as flies are known to continuously bang themselves against a window in their attempt to get out though them in what is obviously a futile effort which might have been what this woman’s life was like. The mention of the window also helps to create the idea that her death is the window of freedom she needed to fin ally escape such a droll life, emphasising the macabre tone by making death seem better than life. The phonology of ‘The Only Ghost I ever saw’ is mainly used to create the atmosphere and help with the imagery of the Ghost. The first simile of the poem in line three shows the reader the qualities of the ghost; ‘stepped like flakes of snow’ showing that his footsteps were light and pure, the delicacy of ‘flakes of snow’ also links back to the line about his clothes being ‘Mechlin’ which is lace, a delicate and intricate material (VAN DAESDONK 2007). Also in this line is sibilance the ‘s’ sounds of the ‘flakes’,

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Facebook is a necessary evil free essay sample

Facebook in simple terms can be defined as a social networking website that enables around a billion people worldwide to connect with each other via the internet. Following its initiation Facebook was labelled as an essential tool for communication whereas these days it has mostly been used as a tool for practising of evil deeds in the society. We will write a custom essay sample on Facebook is a necessary evil or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Recently Facebook has been used as a tool for unnecessary evil in the society with main examples social uprising to cyber criminals. This essay explores the evil deeds associated with Facebook as a social networking site which includes facilitation a room for phishing crimes and social unrest in the society, spreading of false and potentially unwanted information and lastly lacking of privacy and weighs their values versus the perceived advantages of using Facebook as a communication tool. Firstly, Facebook is a necessary evil as it facilitates room for phishing crimes and social uprising in the society. Recent protests in countries such as Tunisia and Egypt were reported to be fuelled and organised through social networking sites such as Facebook (Lister, 2011). Facebook can also be used as a tool for hackers and burglars to conduct their social activities as it gives them room for easier access to people’s personal information. Two thirds of Facebook users unwittingly expose themselves to crime by revealing their personal details. Consequentially without proper regulation Facebook can all but be used as a tool for practising evil deeds in the society. Secondly, social networking sites such as Facebook are a necessary evil as they enable the spread of unreliable and false information in the society. Recent reports suggest that about half of Facebook users have heard or seen false news and information through Facebook. A recent notable event was in 2012 when false rumours of fires, shootouts, and caravans of gunmen in a Mexico City suburb spread via Facebook causing panic and temporary closing of schools (Rodriguez, 2012). As a result of Facebook being freely available news outlets are therefore likely to pick up bogus information that can lead to confusion and panicking among the public. In addition to Facebook being used as a tool for spreading information it can also be said to be a necessary evil as it lacks privacy and expose its users to illegal and unwanted intruders. Due to lack of privacy settings or the public being ignorant or unaware of these settings government and corporate agencies are likely to invade the privacy of these users (McCullagh 2012). Consequently users of Facebook are likely to be exposed to ill-motivated agencies in the absence of adequate privacy settings. Despite the evil deeds associated with Facebook, it can also be a good tool for spreading information faster compared to other Medias. According to Maria (2012) most people are likely to learn about breaking news through the use of Facebook. This can be important especially in times of natural disasters as it can connect rescue teams with victims thereby lessening the impact of these events. Facebook can also be used by students as a tool for discussing educational topics and this can be beneficial in this ever changing technological environment (Kressler, 2012). In spite of Facebook being labelled as lacking privacy law enforcement agencies can also use it to catch and prosecute criminals (Evon, 2012). This is especially useful in connection with cyber criminals. Community members can report suspected criminal activities through Facebook leading to quicker response to crime. In addition to it being used as a tool for catching criminals Facebook can be used in empowering individuals to make social change on a community level. In summary given the above stated advantages of using Facebook to the society as well as considering the evil deeds associated with it, it can be said with certainty that Facebook is clearly a necessary evil. With regard to pros such as a tool for communication these cannot outweigh the known effect of using Facebook without proper regulation which includes social unrest promotion and rise in cyber crimes. For this reasons the main point is that Facebook is a necessary evil and its usage should be controlled through proper and strict regulations/ legislation.