Wednesday, May 6, 2020

US Foreign Policy During the 20th Century - 797 Words

Over the course of the history of the United States, specific foreign policies have affected the methods in which the U.S. involves itself around the globe. Specifically, certain policies have affected U.S. involvement in Latin America. It is the intention of this essay to explain the United States foreign policy behind specific doctrines. In order to realize current objectives, this paper will proceed as follows: Part 1 will define the Monroe Doctrine, Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 will concurrently explicate the Roosevelt Corollary, Good Neighbor Policy, and the Nixon Doctrine, discuss how each policy resulted in U.S. involvement in Latin American countries, describe how it was justified by the U.S. government, respectively, and finally,†¦show more content†¦In supplement, the Good Neighbor Policy was passed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and involved non-intervention and non-interference in Latin America. As well as this, it focused upon being a â€Å"good neighbor† to Latin American countries by taking part in mutual exchanges with these countries. The United States did not intervene in Latin America as drastically as they had during their imperialistic days with FDR’s distant cousin. Ra ther, the United States avoided military usage and utilized the notion of Pan-Americanism, i.e. creating good relationships with countries of the Americas. Furthermore, the U.S. showed support for strong local leaders and financially oversaw any country that needed aid. This policy resulted in the removal of U.S. troops from Nicaragua and Haiti as well as the termination of the Platt Amendment, which guaranteed U.S. intervention in Cuban affairs. The U.S. justified the Good Neighbor Policy by declaring that the policy would create new economic opportunities in the form of mutual trade agreements and reemphasize the influence of the United States in Latin America. All in all, the Good Neighbor Policy proved to be quite beneficial to both Latin American countries and the United States itself. Through theShow MoreRelatedOrder 1466 US Domestic Issues And The World Late 19th Early 20th Century744 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: US domestic issues and the world (late 19th-early 20th century) Introduction America has a very rich history when it comes to domestic policies, socioeconomic conditions and culture. The domestic policies, socioeconomics conditions and culture affect all aspect of American peoples’ lives. They shape and define the people identity. 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